Thursday, January 24, 2013

Happy 2013... or oh Shizzzz how did the year fly by so fast

Ok, bad bad me. I haven't posted in a long time. I basically feel like last year I fell off the planet we call Earth. I was looking (still actually looking) for work, got a job as a nanny, got let go and again looking for work. Started dating a really great guy in September and have just been staying under the radar so to speak. I also joined a larping group (Live Action Role Playing... or yes... I am a nerd) which has been a blast. So I say I have been trying to stay under the radar... I have to say it really wasn't outside of the box much (yes I am guilty), but trying to just deal with life and what has been going on. Everyone needs breaks. Everyone needs to breakdown on occasion, everyone needs to breathe, and do the best they can living. It's called being human. So in short... I have been having a lot of human moments. I hope that everyone has been having human moments, and I definitely hope that yours are better then mine lately.

I am thankful though (here's the shout out) to my boyfriend, my friends, family, and having a roof over my head. I am thankful that even though it's been rough I have always somehow found a way to just barely make it (I will take it!). So Happy New Year! I hope that this one is a bit better then the last and that everyone accomplishes goals and dreams this year... this year is the year of MAGICK!

I look forward to posting great news and new things that are going on beyond the box in the year of 2013 and the future!

Thank you for letting me ramble... I hope I didn't lose you!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

A trip beyond the box to the Renaissance Pleasure Fair

I am uber excited,  this weekend is the start of the Renaissance Pleasure Fair in Irwindale! Every year I look forward to getting dressed up and partaking in the time travel back to Queen Elizabeth I. I have been attending fair since I was around 16 and I try to go to one fair, at least once a year (yes there are more faires throughout the year). This one  is the biggest in Southern California, and for good reason. There are praiseworthy performances, excellent eateries, lip-smacking libations, and  wondrous wares  . I actually wrote an article about the faire this year and it's in Greer's OC, and the coolest thing; I will also be writing a couple reviews!  Huzzah to Ren faire, and Huzzah to stepping beyond the box! My story in Greer's OC

Monday, April 2, 2012

It all starts with an idea

Ladies and gentlemen, I am inspired! This is the birthing of an idea that has been marinating for a long time. This is the time and this is the place, this blog space. I am looking forward to sharing with you all what gets me to go "beyond the box".  These "boxes" can be good, and can keep us safe, warm, and focused, but if we don't break out once in a while we don't know what greatness lies beyond, what things may expand our minds and may inspire us. Let me be your muse and help to excite you!

So take a seat, keep all hands and arms inside the tram while we are moving. This could be a bumpy ride, so hold on, while we take this ride called life together.